Exploitation and trade of natural stone in construction and architecture
There is no alternative to using natural stone. Natural stone has always been the first choice of all other artificial materials. Whether it is used for facades, floors and stairs, swimming pools – definitely using it raises the value of the property. In addition, natural stone is a pure ecological product that blends well with the environment.
years of experience
successfully implemented projects
Why choose us?
Given the many years of experience in the exploitation and sale of stone, we decided to take this concept to an even higher level. We want to make our visitors even more aware of the benefits of using natural stone.
Many years of experience
More than 15 years of experience in the exploitation and sale of natural stone
Top quality
We offer top quality stone at great prices. It is a guarantee of the best price-quality ratio.
Numerous successful projects and satisfied partners
Thanks to successful business over the years, we have built a respectable reputation with our partners.
Natural stone products in construction and architecture
Today, natural stone is available to everyone and is not a luxury – its use is a great investment for your property.
Nives Marendić, CEO

Brac Stone S&K ltd
Fausta Vrančića 7 21000 Split – HR
WAT: HR59669813830
Initial capital 20.000,00 KN paid in full
CEO: Nives Marendić
IBAN HR66 2340 0091 1110 9572 6